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Store Credits

Your Store Credits balance information

  • Total Store Credits :  
  • Store Credits Used :  
  • Store Credits Available :  
  • Store Credits Cash refund request :  
Submit Cash Refund
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About Store Credits

  1. We will issue you Store Credits in the amount paid for your refunds or for the price differences from your exchanges.
  2. Available Store Credits (Accumulated Store Credits- Used Store Credits-Cash refund request Store Credits)can be used like cash to pay for any product purchase.
  3. If you want cash refunds, you can request your refunds to be credited to your bank account.
  • COMPANY ZenonKorea
  • E-mail
  • TELL +82-31-986-7499
  • ADDRESS F3, 313, 755, Taejang-ro, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea